Monday, November 30, 2009

Wow... this has to go in my record book

It's all about the approach

that what i was told.
over the break i learned a lot.

1. mothers, no matter how much they say they do, dont really respect you as an adult
2. eating once a day apparently is good for you because "you wont need lipo anyway" (wtf mom)
3. As long as i live at home with my mother i WONT get a dog.
4. I wont be able to stay off campus next year
5. I miss my grandfather like hell. he is the only one who stood up for me.
6. i said FUCK THE WORLD once again, All it said back as the feeling is mutual
7. I have scary dreams.
8. Crying is a sign of strength.
9. Procrastination is the opposite of love.
10. Hate is no longer the new love
11. my bull shit blogs are the reason i wont go to sleep before 6. am

12. twitter is evil yet so addictive

13. my roommate is leaving me......... and i actually feel something inside saying be sad.... probably wont listen.. but atleast i hear it this time.












Thursday, October 1, 2009

Relationship Wise

How do you know when its over?

How do you know when you aent over someone else?

How do you know your in love?

simple questions who got answers???

Stuff White People LIke..

#128 Camping
#127 Where the Wild Things Are
#126 Vespa Scooters
#125 Bob Marley
#124 Hating People Who Wear Ed Hardy
#123 Mad Men
#122 Moleskine Notebooks
#121 Funny or Ironic Tattoos
#120 Taking a Year Off
#119 Sea Salt
#118 Ugly Sweater Parties
#117 Political Prisoners
#116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore
#115 Promising to Learn a New Language
#114 America
#113 Halloween
#112 Hummus
#111 Pea Coats
#110 Frisbee Sports
#109 The Onion
#108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
#107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
#106 Facebook
#105 Unpaid Internships
#104 Girls with Bangs
#103 Sweaters
#102 Children’s Games as Adults
#101 Being Offended
#100 Bumper Stickers
#99 Grammar
#98 The Ivy League
#97 Scarves
#96 New Balance Shoes
#95 Rugby
#94 Free Healthcare
#93 Music Piracy
#92 Book Deals
#91 San Francisco
#90 Dinner Parties
#89 St. Patrick’s Day
#88 Having Gay Friends
#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
#86 Shorts
#85 The Wire
#84 T-Shirts
#83 Bad Memories of High School
#82 Hating Corporations
#81 Graduate School
#80 The Idea of Soccer
#79 Modern Furniture
#78 Multilingual Children
#77 Musical Comedy
#76 Bottles of Water
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada
#74 Oscar Parties
#73 Gentrification
#72 Study Abroad
#71 Being the only white person around
#70 Difficult Breakups
#69 Mos Def
#68 Michel Gondry
#67 Standing Still at Concerts
#66 Divorce
#65 Co-Ed Sports
#64 Recycling
#63 Expensive Sandwiches
#62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
#61 Bicycles
#60 Toyota Prius
#59 Natural Medicine
#58 Japan
#57 Juno
#56 Lawyers
#55 Apologies
#54 Kitchen Gadgets
#53 Dogs
#52 Sarah Silverman
#51 Living by the Water
#50 Irony
#49 Vintage
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
#47 Arts Degrees
#46 The Sunday New York Times
#45 Asian Fusion Food
#44 Public Radio
#43 Plays
#42 Sushi
#41 Indie Music
#40 Apple Products
#39 Netflix
#38 Arrested Development
#37 Renovations
#36 Breakfast Places
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
#34 Architecture
#33 Marijuana
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
#31 Snowboarding
#30 Wrigley Field
#29 80s Night
#28 Not having a TV
#27 Marathons
#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
#25 David Sedaris
#24 Wine
#23 Microbreweries
#22 Having Two Last Names
#21 Writers Workshops
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
#19 Traveling
#18 Awareness
#17 Hating their Parents
#16 Gifted Children
#15 Yoga
#14 Having Black Friends
#13 Tea
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#11 Asian Girls
#10 Wes Anderson Movies
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
#8 Barack Obama
#7 Diversity
#6 Organic Food
#5 Farmer’s Markets
#4 Assists
#3 Film Festivals
#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
#1 Coffee

Sunday, September 27, 2009


"If you love something let it go "

..said by a pussy and used by pussies ever since...yep I said it. If you stupid enough to let the one you love walk then you deserve to get left.

hey all my followers

gimme your opinions

Hip Hop vs. Poetry

gimme your thoughts

Friday, September 25, 2009

Queen of Hip Hop Soul

psssssh HAHA.

She was down with the Autotune.
And brought drake along for the ride on her newest track
I cant tell you.
Listening to her music through the years.
you start to see that all she does it follow the trend
what ever is hot at the moment
is what she is doing

instead of sticking to that classic sound that she came in the game with.

So Mary J Blidge I dub you the Court Jester of Hip Hop Soul.

now maybe you can quit all the screaming you do and sing one of these songs for once.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WOW she a cold freak

I've learned so much about sex.
straight sex.
the kind of sex i don't have

fun facts about the ladies i've met in school
chick 1 - she swallows.
chick 2 - her friends are even freakier then her
chick 3 - when she goes home for the weekends . she gets her freak on.
chick 4 - lls which give me the room to myself to do just the same
chick 5 - she likes to get the head.
- long story short theyyyyyy NASTY -

(REPOST) But yeah..You Weren't Born That Way.. Your Argument Fail

Before You Read. I must claim. this is a repost and I lay no claim to this work
Its not Mine. I didnt write it. Didnt even read it the whole way through,
Just food for thought

We are born heterosexual! Womp Womp Womp...I want factual information...pretty much kills your credibility and when you use no scientific research or resource to back up your claim. Even Anne Coulter uses research no matter if it is rigged and complete hog wash she has research and sources to back her claims.

Let's understand Nature vs. Nurture first.

The nature versus nurture debates concern the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature", i.e. nativism, or innatism) versus personal experiences ("nurture", i.e. empiricism or behaviorism) in determining or causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits.

The view that humans acquire all or almost all their behavioral traits from "nurture" is known as tabula rasa ("blank slate"). This question was once considered to be an appropriate division of developmental influences, but since both types of factors are known to play such interacting roles in development, many modern psychologists consider the question naive - representing an outdated state of knowledge. Psychologist Donald Hebb is said to have once answered a journalist's question of "which, nature or nurture, contributes more to personality?" by asking in response, "which contributes more to the area of a rectangle, its length or its width?"

Psychological Nativism:

In the field of psychology, nativism is the view that certain skills or abilities are 'native' or hard wired into the brain at birth. This is in contrast to empiricism, the 'blank slate' or tabula rasa view, which states that the brain has inborn capabilities for learning from the environment but does not contain content such as innate beliefs.

Some nativists believe that specific beliefs or preferences are hard wired. For example, one might argue that some moral intuitions are innate or that color preferences are innate. A less established argument is that nature supplies the human mind with specialized learning devices. This latter view differs from empiricism only to the extent that the algorithms that translate experience into information may be more complex and specialized in nativist theories than in empiricist theories. However, empiricists largely remain open to the nature of learning algorithms and are by no means restricted to the historical associationist mechanisms of behaviorism.

We have this natural urge to be with the opposite sex?

So the ones who do not have these natural urges are diseased? I am attracted to the opposite sex but I do not wish to be intimate with the opposite sex, so what does that make me? The APA recently brought this topic up again about people wishing to change their sexual orientation to be apart of socionormatives.

"Contrary to claims of sexual orientation change advocates and practitioners, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation," said Judith M. Glassgold, PsyD, chair of the task force. "Scientifically rigorous older studies in this area found that sexual orientation was unlikely to change due to efforts designed for this purpose. Contrary to the claims of SOCE practitioners and advocates, recent research studies do not provide evidence of sexual orientation change as the research methods are inadequate to determine the effectiveness of these interventions." Glassgold added: "At most, certain studies suggested that some individuals learned how to ignore or not act on their homosexual attractions. Yet, these studies did not indicate for whom this was possible, how long it lasted or its long-term mental health effects. Also, this result was much less likely to be true for people who started out only attracted to people of the same sex."

Also when we speak of choices, remember the act of homosexuality is a choice no shit and the same can be said for heterosexuals! You can supress the choice of being with someone of the same sex no matter your reasoning but the desire does not go away. This is why I do not believe in Ex Homosexuality brainwashing bullshit because you were either desiring someone of the same sex in the first place or you just labeled yourself. We need to start teaching the Kinsey Scale more and maybe this will not happen. All of this has been around since the 1970s why are people being so naive in 2009?


You can read all of this if you please instead of your fuckery Google : )

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Only Because I kinda want to fck this chick i listened to her music...But Now I Like Her

I'm no KRS1 fan........ I don't like what he stands for..At All... But Melanie Fiona is the SHIzzzzzz

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bold If You Can Dig It

01. You’re currently confused about someone’s feelings for you.
02. You have been in a serious relationship before.
03. You own an iPod of some sort.

04. You do not like your sibling’s girlfriend/boyfriend.
05. You drink too much alcohol.
06. You have been to the Olive Garden.
07. You have taken medicine of some sort this week.

08. It is really cold in your house right now.
09. You are extremely dependent on others.
10. You do not like to express your feelings in front of others.
11. You ate a lot of food today.
12. It doesn’t take much for you to cry.
13. People consider you a sappy sort of person.
14. Someone in your family is rich.
15. You have been to Disney World or Disneyland before.
16. You hate when people constantly talk about themselves.
17. You are a good listener, but you hate complainers.
18. Someone has called you for a serious medical emergency before.
19. You have had a serious surgery.
20. Your house has a spare bedroom.
21. Your house is old.
22. You have at least one cousin under the age of three.

23. You have never held a baby before.
24. You can’t handle toddlers.
25. You have a painting in your room.
26. You have been to Canada.
27. You have been to Mexico.
28. You love cherry flavored lollipops.
29. You celebrate Easter.
30. You observe Lent.

31. You are Catholic.
32. You do not believe in God.
33. Religion is not important to you.
34. You want to have a small family one day.
35. You would rather have more sons than daughters.
36. You have more aunts than uncles.
37. You hate being too cold.
38. You currently are way more tan than everyone else.
39. You wear shoes in your house.
40. Your parents are clean freaks.
41. You are more messy than clean.
42. You are currently angry at someone.

43. Patience is so not a virtue to you.
44. Your desk is extremely clean.
45. Your bed sheets are either blue, green, black, or white.
46. When you hear “black & white” it reminds you of Katy Perry’s ‘Hot n Cold’ song.
47. You have no clue what that song is.
48. You think rap artists are completely pathetic.
49. You are glad George Bush will be out of office.
50. Politics are boring to you.

51. You take a vitamin daily.
52. You feel like you are sick often.
53. You hate throwing up.
54. You think it’s gross when people set food down on their desk at school with no napkin.

55. You also find it gross that people sit on top of desks.
56. You are now cringing at the thought of someone’s food where someone’s ass was.
57. You love getting bubble baths.
58. You do not like chocolate at all.
59. You are allergic to nuts.
60. You have been stung by a bee before.
61. You have been to the emergency room before for something.
62. One of your parents is 50 or older.
63. You are the baby of your immediate family.

64. You hate broccoli.
65. Cooked carrots are good, though.
66. You go on tumblr to much.
67. You are really comfortable right now.
68. You like witty t-shirts.
69. You are a major fan of underground bands.
70. You have been on an airplane before.
71. You are not afraid of heights.

72. You consider yourself paranoid.
73. You have had a panic attack before.
74. The thought of being old and alone bothers you.
75. You would choose the elderly over children.
76. You feel like you’re living in the wrong decade.
77. You have smoked weed before.

78. You think it’s way too cold outside right now.
79. You love the thought of sleeping in tomorrow morning.
80. You would rather go to bed early and get up early.
81. You feel like the early bird catches the worm.

82. You are a big breakfast eater.
83. You are currently suffering from the common cold.
84. You are craving something salty.
85. You have been in a car today.
86. There is something plugged in near you.
87. You have heard of the TV show “Private Practice.”

88. You do not like medical television shows.
89. You prefer horror to comedies.
90. You adore Leo & Kate.
91. You think high-waisted pants look good.
92. You hate cheesy movies.
93. You enjoy camping out.
94. Bugs don’t bother you.
95. You do well in school without trying.
96. You are extremely jealous of someone currently.
97. You feel like you have changed a lot from 08-09.
98. You like energy drinks.
99. You like italics.
100. You know the entire script of Mean Girls.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is something we should all read at least once a week.

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio.

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Damn My Roommate

This girl has a container full of diced onions in her fridge.
What the Fuck. It smells like a mothafucka.
And Next She Will Waste MYYYYYY Glade Air/Room Freshener.
This only begins the list of my college complaints
My first and Last classes are snoozefest.
and My ONE online class I havent been able to do anything for
because for the millionth time my mac fails to have all the plug-ins


if you didn't know Petersburg VA has to be one of Americas most boring places.
There is absolutely nothing to to, but go to class. and sleep.

But fuck it. We make it fun
Even though I'm staying off the party circuit until i get the school thing together.

Lets get Groovin.

Last week was all about listening to "How Fly" & "Star Power" By Wiz Khalifa...... But this week I'm feeling different
SO incase you may be wondering what i've been listening to lately. I Do this for you

lets get into it then

BOW WOW. "The Green Light"
First off is Bow Wow, he has come a long way since telling all the girlies to bounce with him. And he may be finally coming into his own. The lyrics reflect those of a young man his age. I don't know, Maybe I expected something less but the mix tape hits for me. Some may say he is channeling drake on this one. But the flows on the track just sound like a grown up version of his first two albums. "Beware Of Dog" and " Doggy Bag". A lot of Bragging, Some Lyrical word play, And of course a track or two for the ladies. "THE GREEN LIGHT" Is hosted by Dj Ill Will, Dj Rockstar with a couple cameos from Bow Wow's long time friend and tour mate DJ Jus


DownLoad Link.

Second Up
DRIZZY. "Property Of October"
This Two Disc Album features some of Drakes classic mixtape tracks, like "Closer" " Ransom" and "Athsma Team" (The song that turned me onto drake back in 07-08. Its the basic Drake tape. Witty punch lines, sick metaphors. blah blah. The perfect download to fuel your Drake mania, Even though I must say I am getting a little burnt out with him.

DownLoad Link (either should work fine)

LOSO Incase You Didn't Know So
Upon first listen. Loso's way is decent. I haven't given it much listen time. hopefully you'll pay it more attention then me.

Download Link.

Finally the ALBUM thats been on heavy Itunes Rotation.
Cant stress how much I love this album.I think I like all but one song. and thats only because i haven't listened to it yet.
If you are a Songz fan, or hell even a R&B fan, you'll prolly feel the same as I.
NO download link. Buy that shit..
or just google it if your cheap..

Also . I got the download to Kid Cudi's "Man On the Moon" . Cant say I'm Impressed but Whatever. I have the link if you like. Hit me up for it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ehsdnlkanlv...FACEBOOK....v da asdnvlnl

the only audible word i could make out, last night when my roommate was talking in her sleep.
nice right.

Everybody seems to be on winter Bun mode

50 and Ciara
Rihanna and the White guy who rolls with kanye (if i find out a name i'll post it)
Letoya Lucket and Tank (reportedly)

and me.... well kinda. but thats a different story
save that for another post,



.bull shit man.

some kind looked at my clothes today .
the said. "Hey you dont match. "
i didnt say anything.
just laughed,

it may looked like i got dressed in the dark.
but i like it.

Niggas around here still wear south pole.

i got a english paper due next week.
math hw due on the 9th
freshman studies reading.
us history reading.
and some shit for my online class to tend to.

so blogging again shall be picked up at a later time.
even though Ashley may be the only one who reads my shit.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Aint that about a BITCH



10 thing i kinda miss.

1. crispy M&Ms
2. Vanilla Coke
3. Super Mario World
4. Foxy Brown (when she was a G)
5. The People From Middle School
6. My Puppy
7. Playing Outside (when i was little
8. Working . I Need A JOB
9. Money. You can never have enough
10. my old lion king vhs. (watched that movie all the time)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

So they say

The second you stop searching for something
It will find you.

yeah right.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bad Bitches For The Month Of MAY


Ms. Melanie Fiona


The Ladies Of Electrik Red


This lady V$

There you go. One lady for each letter of the month.


BATMAN versus that older guy





Happy is overrated

Straight Up

Nothing left to say.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No Twitter For The Kidd

A two reasons I refuse to twitter.

1. I don't believe that you should know what I am doing at random times of the day.

2. I'm probably not that interesting

Sunday, April 26, 2009

You Confused Son

What The?
I Guess Time Changes Things

Monday, April 20, 2009

not really

"When I Was a Kid I Used to pray Every Night for a New Bicycle. Then I Realised God Doesn’t Work That Way, so I Stole One and Prayed for Forgiveness."


We don't have much left
So don't wait
If you love me tell me
Because once i walk away
I'm not coming back.


Too many feeling surface art night/early in the morning.

weed got me feeling comfortable enough to speak
grey goose got me feeling strong enough by myself to think
mixed the light with the dark, that was my last mistake
because now i have no control over what i might say


I like you,
i need you,
i love you
I swear
Until the smoke cleared
and you weren't there

I'm hurting
I'm hurting
I wont deny
You promised me love
why did you lie

I'm stronger
I'm stronger
No more do I cry
I'll move on now
These tears here will dry


-Frontin, I know i want you

Pretend that I cant let you win.
Tell my self that I cant let you in
Same thing that I go tell my friends
I try to explain, they just laugh at me again

Why am I the last one to see
That you're everything I need
Maybe I just dont want it to be
That i hold on to you, and I'll let go of me


I used to laugh at people who say " I need to be in a relationship"
I used to think they were stupid.
But I find myself jealous of other people in love.
Because I want that too.
But I never find what I'm looking for.
And every says stop looking, let them find you. Thats DEAD
I pray about it all the time.
Wish on shooting stars
Blow dandelions
Make wishes at 11:11 everyday.
People say things don't happen on your time, They work on Gods time,
Does it make me less religious if i think that God is taking his time, time that I feel I don't have to waste.
I've had this stupid little , well big high school crush on this person since 11th grade, I know it would a pointless relationship but i hate how i cant tell them how I feel.

I feel like everyone besides family who has every said they fell in love with me, didn't really fall in love with me at all. They fall in love with the idea of who I am.
All this confidence people seem to see, the smile, the eyes, the attitude, the word said. THE EVERYTHING.
I don't think anyone knows the real me. I probably don't.

Just spilled a lot of heart in a fucking text box. Now maybe I can put it into words.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

word life

"In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it."


"Someday, someone is going to walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Movie alert
If you haven't seen Caddilac Records then you need to. ASAP



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I think I'm Growing On You

You said it wouldn't work.
But now you acting different.
Like you like this me and you thang.

But now i don't want it any more.
I think i don't
I'm not sure anymore.

Thats what happens when you wait.
Shit changes.

(that kid growing on you like a bad rash) Ash,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pussy In My Lap

Shit is pretty dope to me.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I am so Lonelyyyyyyyyy
I have nobodyyyyyyyyy
To call my ownnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Man Akon hit the nail on the head with that song.
I thinking about taking a certain someone up on their offer

don't think im ready yet.
but maybe i'll try

Monday, April 6, 2009


Straight Up

monday Madness

so its been a week since i've talked to the internet
so let me update you

i just bought these


and no they arent in your local foot locker

spring break so far hasn't popped off. because of rain. but i will be doing it up

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Blues

Today had to have been the worst monday in a while.
Class was dry
My day was dry.
I have this random scratch on my back.  (giggles)
I was sick all day.

And to top it off


My Girls Took An L 

now i cant find my damn phone.
-angry face-

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ms. keeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri BABY

Yes Yes Yes.  

Got the cd. And "Turning Me On" as a single did the cd NOOO justice.
I really enjoy the writing she did. With her actually being a song writer before she came out makes the writing on the album 100 times better then what the rest of the female singers are coming out with. Unless she actually wrote it for them. But ms hilson definitely showed her versatility on each song.  this will be on repeat for a while.

tho only time i wouldnt want to be number one.

saw the boyfriend number two video by pleasure p. i must say its not as bad as i though it would be.

nice job dude.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So i was talking to a friend of mine about how single life sucks
i didn't ask for advice or anything.
but she said " when you stop looking for love it will find you"
sounded good at first until about a million people gave me the same advice.
her point was that " if everyone is saying it then it must be true. RIGHT?"

if the sky is blue and i see that it is blue, but everyone else says its purple, I'm not going to switch it up and say the sky is purple when i know its blue.
because that would make me a liar like everyone else.

anyway to my point

- when has sitting around waiting on something, ever made a thing happen. NEVER
if you want something go get it. no one will know that your are looking if you don't make it known

if everyone sat around waiting for love, no one would find each other,
you will sit there waiting for her to come to you, while she is waiting for you to come to her.
if neither of you make a move NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

just a thought anyways.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day Love

I love today.
I'm gonna catch up on some work
Then get in a little writing maybe..

today = love

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I'm cold.
no one here to keep me warm..
but drizzy's mixtape is pretty hot.
so I'll be ok
lol that was corny
talked to a couple Ex's this weekend. I even chilled with one for a while
but that ended up like it always did.

wanna see the convo?  well even if you don't i'll show you.

ex- you know you're still beautiful right
ME- oh boy here we go again
ex- naw i serious though, why cant you ever take me serious.
ME- because i know you. and i know what you are about to say.
ex- damn you still cold hearted like shit.......
ME-  and you still wack. whats new?
awkward silence... by now we make it to my house
ex- can i have a good night kiss.
ME- nope 
then i got out the car and went in the house,

youngin didnt pull off for what seemed to be like 30 min
what a creeper

Friday, February 27, 2009


I posted this on iss earlier this week. I never really fucked with the "greedy genius" brand because they don't make anything that appeals to me. But while in footaction the other day I unfortunately had to see this.


YUCKKKKKKKKKK.   Why would they copy off Air Jordans ...... this sucks.  DAMN SHAME

Thursday, February 26, 2009


so i gave lynnsta a hit up and told her i wanted her to make this picture better then it already is. And knowing of her pure amazingness I easily gave her full creative reign over it.
just thought I'd tell the world so shout outs to my lynny booo



Originally uploaded by bizz bee
In my case..



Originally uploaded by bizz bee
I broke down and bought this book.
Years of library borrowing drove to actually spend money on it.
(not that it wasnt worth the 12.99 + the hassling cashier who almost forced me to get a borders card)

live it up



Originally uploaded by bizz bee
That is exactly what my ipod touch is.
All these applications.
And games.
And music.

ALL its just an enabler, clearly apple doesn't want me paying attention to ANYTHING

Not Even Into SB's

Originally uploaded by bizz bee
But i had to get those batmans and hold it down for my baby. which brings me to the two main points of this blog.
First is relationships, besides the fact that Bruce Wayne (BATMAN) is possibly the only man I'll ever love; I think I may finally have my self in the right state of mind to actually care about someone else once again. Awesome right? Yeah I know. Lets see how that goes.

On to the next topic. SHOEESSSS
Today I decided that i will ATTEMPT to save my money and not keep buying shoes. Sorry Mike and Nike, but my car is in need of a few repairs that are not cheap. I think I will lay off until Birthday time in MAYYYY, so i can get my blue griffeys and whatever else my birthday/graduation money will pay for. Then wait again until fall for the retro 12's. but by then I'll be a broke college... we'll see how that goes...

I still need a nds or ds pair of white/black 9's not looking to pay more the 120 though. if i can find those i'll break my rule and def buy those.. i gotta get all the jordans 1-13 all i need are 1's and 9's

Also I'm giving away some old dunks to good will or salvation army. My first good deed for the year.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is This Real Life?

 lmao. poor kid. that laughing gas will get you everytime

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bangawoyo (korean greeting)

Originally uploaded by bizz bee
So a week ago, I took my mother to this spot in Lanham MD, called East Moon, over by Texas Road House.

Ordered some Alaska Rolls (see the pic) and Thai Fried Rice,
The food was amazing, I would recommend a visit.

Heres the official Mid Week Quote.
" the higher you fly, the harder you fall "

Monday, January 26, 2009

kang BABY

kang BABY
Originally uploaded by bizz bee

With the coming of 2009, i decided to delete my old blog and begin something new.

so this is my first official blog
so allow myself to introduce myself
you can call me Ash. or Kang (its the same word as kings just cooler)
currently a full time student.
part time blogger.

i am Kang baby