Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bangawoyo (korean greeting)

Originally uploaded by bizz bee
So a week ago, I took my mother to this spot in Lanham MD, called East Moon, over by Texas Road House.

Ordered some Alaska Rolls (see the pic) and Thai Fried Rice,
The food was amazing, I would recommend a visit.

Heres the official Mid Week Quote.
" the higher you fly, the harder you fall "

Monday, January 26, 2009

kang BABY

kang BABY
Originally uploaded by bizz bee

With the coming of 2009, i decided to delete my old blog and begin something new.

so this is my first official blog
so allow myself to introduce myself
you can call me Ash. or Kang (its the same word as kings just cooler)
currently a full time student.
part time blogger.

i am Kang baby